Rachael Sampson
Rachael is a prescribing Diabetes Nurse Specialist with over 10 years experience in diabetes care and management. She is one of the directors and founders of Aotearoa Diabetes Collective – a charitable organisation with a focus on improving equitable access to specialist care for people with diabetes in Aotearoa. Rachael focuses on ways to reduce the burden of diabetes for her patients.
Areas of expertise
- Glucose lowering medication management and titration
- Cardiovascular risk management
- Diabetes related technology
- Patient education
- RN, BN, First Class Hons (Otago)
Specialist Training
- Accredited Diabetes Nurse Specialist, RN Prescriber in Diabetes Health
Past and current positions and memberships
- Director, Aotearoa Diabetes Collective Ltd
- Trustee, Aotearoa Diabetes Collective Trust
Rachael has 20 years experience in various clinical settings, including surgical, neonatal, emergency and primary care. Her specialist role in diabetes has included both primary and secondary care roles. Currently Rachael works as Director and Diabetes Nurse Specialist of Aotearoa Diabetes Collective (ADC), a charitable organisation operating under a social enterprise model of business. ADC’s overarching aim is to improve access to specialist care for people with diabetes, who are most underserved by the current healthcare system.
Her work in the private sector contributes to ADC’s mission toward equitable outcomes in diabetes. Rachael works with patients to improve their glycemic control, and reduce cardiovascular risk by addressing risk factors such as smoking, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, microalbuminuria, sedentary lifestyles and dietary issues. She utilises both pharmacological and non-pharmacological management strategies according to evidence-based guidelines and the individual needs of each person with diabetes. She has extensive experience in education for people with diabetes, including education at diabetes diagnosis and at all stages of the disease trajectory.
She is also experienced in group education, insulin starts, insulin pump starts, use of glucose monitoring technology and closed loop technologies, diabetes self-management, titration of glucose lowering medications, and healthy lifestyles education. Rachael has expertise in diabetes-related technology, including insulin pumps, closed loop technology, intermittently scanned and continuous glucose monitoring devices. She encourages use of technology with her patients to enhance the ability to work remotely with her patients.